Guinness World Record Holder Of Longest Nails Chopped Them Off
Ayanna Williams, the Guinness World Record holder of the world’s longest fingernails of 733.55 cm has been growing her nails for 30 years now. And is finally ready to cut her nails. She is ready to let go of her long nails and live a more practical way but believes that she is still the queen with or without her claws.
Since she started growing her nails, she could not do her daily routine things herself. Ayanna shared that things such as washing up, changing her bedsheets, chopping and all sorts of daily work she could not do because of her long nails. And now she has decided to change it by chopping off her long nails and start a new and practical life.
Though she will miss them in a conversation with Guinness she shared that “I’ve been growing my nails for a few decades now. I’m so, so ready for a new life. I know I’m going to miss them, but it’s just about that time – it’s time for them to go. With my movements, I have to be very, very careful.”
Further, she shared “So usually in my mind I’m already preparing for the next step that I have to do to make sure that I don’t hurt myself with my nails – or break them. I’m excited about cutting my nails because I’m looking forward to new beginnings. With or without my nails, I will still be the queen. My nails don’t make me, I make my nails!”
She even shared that before cutting her nails, it would take her three to four bottles of polish to paint her nails every time. It would take her so long that she had to split the nail painting into days. And now that she has decided to cut her nails the story would be different. And after cutting her nails they will be displayed at the Believe It or Not Museum in Florida.
But there is a twist here, despite knowing the fact that overall movement and her routine would be much easier now she still hasn’t ruled outgrowing them again in future. She received her world’s longest fingernails title in 2017 after taking the title from Lee Redmond. She started growing her nails in 1979 and now they are a total of 8.65m long. She shared how she would dip them in olive oil every day and polish them so they could remain strong and strengthened.
She shared: “It was just a challenge to myself to see how far they would go before they started twisting out of shape. I kept setting dates and dates that I was going to cut them and I just couldn’t do it. It’s strange how they become part of you. I think my fingernails defined me to a lot of people, I was known as the fingernail lady but to me, I would have to explain to them there is more to me.”
Many others are struggling to grow their fingernails just like Ayanna Williams such as Lee, from Salt Lake City in the US but had a car accident and her place from the record was changed. It is a struggle and one have to be very careful.
The post Guinness World Record Holder Of Longest Nails Chopped Them Off appeared first on Unhesitating.