Get Him to Notice You: Secret Tricks to Make Your Boyfriend Jealous!

Living On The Edge By Alice / November, 30, 2023

Are you looking to spice up your relationship and grab your boyfriend's attention? Well we've got some tricks up our sleeve on how to make your boyfriend jealous without causing any drama. Jealousy can be a powerful tool to remind your partner of your worth and reinvigorate the passion in your relationship. In this article we'll explore some simple and fun ways to make your boyfriend a little green with envy.

Will Jealousy Work?

Before we dive into the tricks let's talk about why jealousy can be effective. It shows your partner that they need to prioritize the relationship and reminds them of what they could lose. It brings back a healthy possessiveness that may have faded over time. However it's important to remember that jealousy can also lead to negative emotions like anger and sadness. So we have to be careful not to go overboard with our tricks.

26 Ways to Make Boyfriend Jealous And Reinvigorate Fading Love

  1. Get Going with Your Girl Gang: Plan a trip with your girlfriends once in a while to remind your boyfriend that you have a life outside of him. It will make him realize that he can't take you for granted.
  2. Accentuate Your Self-Love: Treat yourself to salon visits and dazzle him with your stylish outfits. It may not make him jealous right away but it will plant seeds of doubt in his mind.
  3. Fake It Till You Make It: Pretend to be engrossed in your phone constantly laughing at something. This will make him curious and wonder who you're talking to when you're not around.
  4. Reconnect With Your Guy Friends from High School And College: Spending time with your male friends from the past may make your boyfriend feel a little threatened. It will remind him that you have other connections outside the relationship.
  5. Drool over a Celebrity Crush: Mentioning your celebrity crush can make your boyfriend feel insecure. He might try to emulate the qualities of your crush to win back your attention.
  6. Replying to His Texts And Calls Later Rather Than Sooner: Delayed responses to his messages and calls will make him wonder what you're up to. But be cautious not to make him feel ignored or neglected.
  7. Casually Flirt with His Male Friends: Flirting with his male friends will trigger his insecurities and make him fear losing you. However use this trick sparingly to avoid misunderstandings.
  8. Don’t Give in to His Requests Easily: Show him that you're not easily impressed by rejecting insincere attempts to win you over. This will let him know that he needs to put in more effort.
  9. Withdraw When He Tries to Initiate Physical Intimacy: Pretend to be disinterested in physical intimacy occasionally to keep the spark alive. But be careful not to hurt his pride or make him feel rejected.
  10. Do Not Be a “Helicopter” Partner: Take a step back from constantly fussing over his well-being and everyday activities. The sudden absence of attention will make him reflect on the relationship and motivate him to make more effort.
  11. Walk Away When He Tries to Initiate Conversations: Pretend to be busy or on a call when he wants to have a conversation. This lack of interest will make him take action to regain your attention.
  12. Use Social Media as Your Arsenal to Create an Illusion: Post pictures on social media that make it seem like you're having a great time without your boyfriend. This will spark a fear of missing out within him.
  13. Recollect Experiences from Previous Relationships And Praise Your Crushes: Bring up past experiences from previous relationships without revealing too much. This will drive him crazy with jealousy and make him want to get closer to you.
  14. Educate Him About the Male Attention You Are Receiving: Show him a flirtatious text or a friendly interaction with another guy to make him aware of the attention you're getting. This will awaken his possessiveness and make him want to protect his territory.
  15.  Go Out with His Guy Friends: If you want to make your boyfriend a little jealous try this: dress up nicely and go out with his friends. Share some photos on Instagram to catch his attention. After the outing keep talking about how much fun you had. This will make him feel a bit insecure and jealous.
  16. Miss Some Date Nights and Give Excuses: Sometimes skip a date night and say you're busy. For example tell him you're working late with a male coworker. This might make him a bit suspicious. Be careful though as he might start to worry too much. Keep your explanations simple and don't give away too much or he might start doubting your feelings for him.
  17. Find New Hobbies and Improve Yourself: Working on new hobbies and self-improvement is great for two reasons. First you learn new things and grow as a person. Second your boyfriend will notice you're not just focused on him. This might make him try harder to get your attention and affection back.
  18. Say Nice Things About Other Guys: Just like women can feel uneasy when their partners talk about other women men can feel the same way. If you compliment another man your boyfriend might start to wonder if he's good enough and see other men as competition.
  19. Talk About Other Men You Know: A simple way to make a guy jealous is to mention other men who show interest in you like coworkers or neighbors. Tell your boyfriend about their attempts to get your attention. This will make him eager to spend more time with you.
  20. Pretend You Have a Secret Admirer: This is a fun trick especially for April Fool’s Day. Buy yourself gifts and tell your boyfriend they're from a secret admirer. This will make him curious and a bit jealous fearing he might lose you.
  21. Have Friends Compliment You: Ask your friends to praise you in front of your boyfriend. They can laugh at your jokes and compliment you a lot. This reminds your boyfriend how amazing you are and reignites the spark in your relationship.
  22. Tell Harmless Little Lies: When he asks about things like a party or a social media post play with your hair and avoid eye contact. Tell small lies to keep him interested and guessing. But be careful not to overdo it as it might cause trust issues.
  23. Be the Star of the Party: Dress up do a great makeup look and dance with all your energy at a club. When you're the center of attention your boyfriend will see your value and appreciate you more.
  24. Keep Texts Short: Make him a bit jealous by sending short texts or just emojis. This will make him wonder what you're up to and why you're not saying much.
  25. Disagree with Him Sometimes: In discussions I don't always agree with him. Share your own opinions and facts. This shows you're your person and might make other men admire you which can make your boyfriend a bit jealous.
  26. Give Gifts to Male Friends: Buy nice gifts for your male friends especially those you both know. This will make your boyfriend curious about your relationship with them and think about his actions in your relationship.

These are just a few tricks to make your boyfriend jealous in a playful way. Remember balance is key. Too much jealousy can lead to arguments and misunderstandings so use these techniques wisely.