Breadcrumbing: The Signs and How to Deal with It

Re-Envisioned By Taylor / December, 21, 2023

Feeling frustrated because someone keeps giving you just a little bit of attention but never really commits? This is a common experience in today's dating world and there's a term for it - breadcrumbing. Imagine you're following a trail of breadcrumbs hoping it leads somewhere but in the end it just goes in circles. That's what breadcrumbing is like. 

It's when someone sends you occasional messages maybe a like on your social media post or a casual text now and then making you think they're interested. But when it comes down to actually making plans or taking the relationship to the next level they always have an excuse or they just vanish until the next breadcrumb is dropped.

This can be confusing and frustrating. You might find yourself constantly checking your phone wondering when the next message will come. It's like you're stuck in this cycle of hope and disappointment. 

Breadcrumbing is becoming more common in the digital age of dating where it's easy for people to stay connected without really investing in the relationship. If you find yourself in this situation remember that you deserve someone as excited about being with you as you are about them not someone who just keeps you guessing.

What Is Breadcrumbing?

Breadcrumbing is a manipulative dating tactic that has become quite common nowadays. It's all about leading someone on with little bits of affection or interest without ever making any real effort in the relationship. Imagine talking to someone for weeks or even months they seem interested and responsive but when it comes to making plans or taking things further they always seem to fall through. It's like they're keeping you on the back burner just in case something better comes along. You feel like you're constantly following breadcrumbs that never lead to anything substantial.

The Signs of Breadcrumbing

Breadcrumbing can take various forms and show up in different scenarios. It can be hard to navigate the thin line between genuine interest and breadcrumbs especially when even those with good intentions can be crafty in their flirting game. Here are six signs to watch out for:

  1. They Consistently Flirt but There's No Progress: They love to flirt but it never goes beyond that. They never follow through on making plans or taking things to the next level.
  2. Their Interest Appears Solely Focused on Physical Intimacy: They invest time in your company but their primary goal is fulfilling their desires especially when it comes to physical intimacy.
  3. They Always Seem to Be "Busy": They claim to be caught up with plans or emergencies making it impossible to spend quality time together. They apologize but show no commitment to change.
  4. They Are Consistently Unclear: It's hard to decipher their intentions. You find yourself decoding their messages or seeking reassurance from others.
  5. They Confuse You with Mixed Signals: They may express strong feelings for you occasionally but their actions don't align with their words. As you get closer they withdraw or behave inconsistently.
  6. Their Interest Peaks When You Pull Away: They become more attentive when you start losing interest because they view it as a challenge. It feels like a never-ending cycle of pursuit and rejection.

Why Do People Breadcrumb?

People engage in breadcrumbing for various reasons not necessarily out of deliberate malice. It can stem from emotional wounds they carry from past relationships. Some common reasons include:

  1. Low Self-Esteem: People with low self-esteem breadcrumb to seek approval and validation. They enjoy the feeling of someone showing interest in them.
  2. Fear of Loneliness: Breadcrumbing provides a semblance of connection combating feelings of loneliness. It offers temporary comfort and avoids vulnerability.
  3. Reluctance Towards Commitment: Breadcrumbing may seem more enjoyable than committing effort to a relationship. It provides emotional closeness without deeper intimacy.
  4. Avoidant Attachment Style: Some individuals genuinely desire a relationship but retreat when others approach them intimately. This behavior is driven by a desire to maintain emotional defenses.
  5. Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD): Breadcrumbing can be a symptom of NPD involving emotional manipulation and narcissistic abuse. It allows them to cope with insecurities and exert control.
  6. Relationship Trauma: Past relationship trauma can significantly impact someone's sense of safety in a partnership. Breadcrumbers may inflict pain as an act of self-preservation.

The Effects of Breadcrumbing

Breadcrumbing may seem harmless at first but its effects are more significant than people realize. It can leave the recipient feeling confused anxious and inadequate. Victims may struggle with low self-esteem and find it hard to trust future relationships. It can also make them cynical towards dating hampering their ability to connect with new people. In some cases it can even lead to depression or anxiety as the person feels like they are constantly chasing after something unattainable.

Another negative effect of breadcrumbing is the waste of time and energy. Breadcrumbers are often not looking for anything serious and may be stringing along multiple people simultaneously. This means that the person on the receiving end invests emotional energy into a relationship going nowhere missing out on meaningful connections elsewhere.

How to Avoid Being Breadcrumbed in a Relationship?

Breadcrumbing can be hurtful and frustrating. While you may not have complete control over preventing it entirely you can take proactive steps to avoid being breadcrumbed. Here are some tips:

  1. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off it probably is. Listen to your gut feelings and recognize the red flags. Breadcrumbers are experts at stringing people along but by being aware and trusting your instincts you can avoid falling into their trap.
  2. Set Boundaries: Know what you're willing to tolerate and what you're not. If someone isn't meeting your needs or being honest about their intentions speak up. Set clear boundaries and stick to them even if it means ending the relationship. Your self-respect is more important than playing their games.
  3. Focus on Yourself: Instead of chasing after someone who breadcrumbs you focus on yourself. Engage in activities you enjoy invest in your personal growth and pursue your happiness. By focusing on yourself you'll attract people who are genuinely interested in you.

Always remember you are worthy of being with someone who truly values and respects you. Think of it like this: why settle for just a few breadcrumbs when you deserve the whole loaf? In relationships it's important to feel appreciated and cherished not just as an afterthought. You deserve a partner who sees your worth and treats you with the love and respect you deserve. So don't shortchange yourself; hold out for the whole loaf – a relationship filled with mutual respect love and understanding.